

If you are a service member, you already know you need to have all your patches in order before stepping out the front door. They help you communicate rank and experience to other soldiers, but not all patches have to be all business. In fact, they can be all fun instead with the Fun Size PVC Patch. It packs a lot of personality into a small space.

The 2 inch by 1 inch patch boldly states, “I’m not small, I’m fun size” for anyone who dares to call you short. It comes in five colors. Whether you want to make fashion statement or add to your uniform, this is a fun item for everyone.

This patch has quality stitching and is made to last for as long as you need it. Order yours today!
Benefits of the Fun Size PVC Patch:

  •     Made of rubber PVC material to ensure durability
  •     Comes with a Velcro backing
  •     Good for fashion or outdoor wear
  •     Blends with multiple types of camouflage
  •     Helps you boost morale when you’re in the field